Facebook gives teens a place to mourn loss of classmate

A Facebook page called "In Memory of Brie Antonio" was established Sunday afternoon and had 615 members by 7 p.m. By 8 p.m., there were more than 700 members, as classmates from Watertown High School used the forum to comfort each other and share memories of Antonio.
A Facebook page called "In Memory of Brie Antonio" was established Sunday afternoon and had 615 members by 7 p.m. By 8 p.m., there were more than 700 members, as classmates from Watertown High School used the forum to comfort each other and share memories of Antonio.
Labels: Facebook
This is so sad. R.I.P Brie Antonio!!!
this is incredibly hard for our school. when i walked thru the doors today, i knew things wouldnt be the same with out her. there were students crying in the halls, and their friends where there to lend a shoulder to cry on. we all miss you very much. rest in peace brie<3
This is so sad at school today a teacher used an example of crashing into a tree and everyone started crying nothing will be the same without you brie love you and miss you rip
We all love you and miss you like crazy!
Just know you'll never be forgotten
Love, RFTS <3
Your dance studio forever and ever
Keep dancng Brie
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