Monday, March 8, 2010

Case of mistaken identity averted at Winsted meeting

WINSTED — Planning and Zoning Commission meetings are normally relatively intimate affairs, with few members of the public attending. So, while the members of Winsted’s commission are on a first name basis by now, anyone else in attendance may have been a bit confused at a meeting Monday night.
Craig Sanden, who normally serves as an alternate on the commission, was serving as a member due to the absence of Chairman John "Jack" Winn, Jr. When it came time to take a vote, Vice Chairman Bruce Hillman reminded the group that he had to officially seat Sanden before any action could be taken.
At that point, members noticed that nameplates in front of each member were slightly off, as Sanden was sitting in a seat assigned to Mike Peacock, and vice versa. The two chuckled as they as they exchanged plates, remarking that they even sometimes forget they are even there.


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