Friday, April 16, 2010

Celebrate Earth Day with CPTV

To commemorate Earth Day on April 22, Connecticut Public Television is broadcasting several special programs during the week that address environmental issues and science.

NOVA: The Big Energy Gamble airing Tuesday, April 20 at 8 pm, examines California's ambitious plan to cut greenhouse gases. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is responsible for one of the most visionary environmental programs in the world, aimed at reversing climate change. The questions is: will it work? And what impact is it having on the rest of the country?

Earth Days: An American Experience airs Tuesday, April 20 at 9 pm, is a feature-length documentary about the origins of the modern environmental movement, is told through the eyes of nine Americans who were inspired to act on what they believed was the most important challenge facing mankind: preserving the earth.

P.O.V.: Food Inc. airs Wednesday, April 21 at 9:30 pm, is the critically acclaimed Academy Award nominated documentary film that examines the country's highly mechanized agribusiness industry and its controversial effects on the environment and the health of the American people.

Dirt! The Movie airs Wednesday, at 11 pm, presented by Independent Lens is a film that tells the story of Earth's most valuable and under-appreciated source of fertility - from its miraculous beginning to its tragic degradation. One teaspoon of dirt contains a billion organisms working in balance to sustain a series of complex, thriving communities that are invisibly a part of our daily lives. This insightful and timely film tells the story of the glorious and unappreciated material beneath our feet.


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