Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Selectman looking for a few good painters

WINSTED — Selectman Michael Renzullo is heading a volunteer effort to repaint the Route 44 bridge that runs over the Mad River.
The Board of Selectmen approved the formation of an ad hoc committee to coordinate the painting and gathering of willing participants at a meeting on Monday. Renzullo said he ran a painting business while living in Colorado, and would take the lead from a similar effort that took place at the Riverton Bridge over the Farmington River in Barkhamsted last fall.
The bridge is close to Route 8 near the Dunkin Donuts on Main Street. Fellow Selectmen suggested that once the painting is done, a similar effort might be put together to paint the walkway that links Main Street with Prospect Street closer to the center of town.
Renzullo said he hoped the town could find around $1,000 in the budget for this year to purchase supplies, although other countered that the effort might be able to find someone willing to donate the necessary items.


Anonymous david said...

Why are we able to do this? Years ago when I was on the Main St team, I suggested we paint the railings on the bridges in town, and was told we could not - for various reasons - lead abatement, the fact that this was a 'union' job, etc. what has changed??

April 7, 2010 at 6:40 AM 

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